Flutter dev!


Just noting down some useful things for Flutter Dev


The easiest setup on a mac uses [homebrew formula] (https://github.com/flschweiger/homebrew-flutter). Assuming you have already installed xCode and Android Studio, you are good to go in a few minutes!

VS Code extensions

Bracket colorizer and pubSpec assist. There are also a bunch more listed here


Codemagic is a Flutter specific platform.



If you are going to create your own Android Libraries, then you can use Jitpack to build your library, so that you can pull it in as a Gradle implementation dependency. It works best with Github, especially now that they have free private repos. If you want Jitpack to build private repos, you need to pay for that service.

Dependency injection

I have been using getIt

App Store marketing material

Previewed lets you make those professional banners.

Semi colons

I find the Dart requirement for semi-colons at the end of every line pretty annoying, but making it optional seems to be a low priority. However, if you use intellijIdea for your flutter dev, you can cmd+shft+enter and the semi colon will be auto-completed for you.

Putting your money where your mouth is

The following things are worth paying for:

Reading List
