FDM printers


for copying klipper.bin to your machine

nathan@Nathans-MacBook-Pro Desktop % scp pi@mainsailos.local:~/klipper/out/klipper.bin /Users/nathan/Desktop/klipper
pi@mainsailos.local's password: 
klipper.bin                                   100%   23KB 382.0KB/s   00:00  

For getting your serial number

pi@mainsailos:~ $ ls
gcode_files  klipper_config  klippy-env  mjpg-streamer  moonraker-env
klipper      klipper_logs    mainsail    moonraker
pi@mainsailos:~ $ cd klipper_config
pi@mainsailos:~/klipper_config $ ls
mainsail.cfg  moonraker.conf  webcam.txt
pi@mainsailos:~/klipper_config $ cd ..
pi@mainsailos:~ $ ls -l /dev/serial/by-id
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Jan 28 02:37 usb-Klipper_stm32f103xe_39FFD9054247333142751557-if00 -> ../../ttyACM0

Mainsail vs Fluidd


A profile to start with for SuperSlicer is here

Add the following to the print_start of your printer.cfg

    M190 S{bedtemp}                ; set & wait for bed temp
    M109 S{hotendtemp}             ; set & wait for hotend temp

    G1 E5 F1000 ; de-retract and push ooze
    G91 G1 X-3 F6000 ; move x to the left
    G91 G1 Y-3 F6000; move y forward
    G1 Z-20.0 F1000             ; move nozzle down
    G1 X-50.0 E6  F800.0 ; fat 50mm intro line @ 0.30
    G1 X-50.0 E3.2  F1000.0 ; fat 50mm intro line @ 0.30
    G1 E-0.8 F3000; retract to avoid stringing
    G1 X30 E0 F1000.0 ; wipe action to avoid string
    G28 Z                          ; final z homing

Here and here are some more macros

You can also adjust the name of the output gcode file:




Discussed in more detail here


  • [ ] Pressure advance
  • [ ] Input shaper
  • [ ] Switch lights on in print_start macro
  • [ ] Use thermistor to wait for chamber temp in print_start macro
  • [ ] Display chamber temp on display

Pressure Advance

add to the custom g-code for a filament in prusaSlicer/SuperSlicer for your filament. SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE ADVANCE=0.043825


There is a very nice website for checking out mods here registry

v0.1 part cooling

I have been far too obsessive about enclosing and insulating a printer for ABS. ABS parts printed in a semi enclosed machine are the best quality parts I have ever seen. So, it would seem that only side panels are necessary and the machine does not need to be fully enclosed. Enclosing and insulating the machine would help with wasting less electricity, but you then need to make very sure that the cooling system is sufficient.

This fansaver mod was very helpful for preventing the v0.1 fans from overheating. However, I am still finding it to be insufficient.

Some interesting options are in this video below.

and this is how you can make the berd-air system quieter

Reddit discussion about it.

Berd air

voron mod parts are here and you can buy the parts from aliexpress or the official store

An attachment mod is here or here

Other v0 mods

Note - preloaded nuts are an absolute pain on the v0.1. If you forget or want to add more nuts, most of the frame needs to come apart. A good tip is to file the side of the nuts, so that they can go in without disassembling.

Filed nut example


I feel that it is probably better to buy a creality machine or from Aliexpress and then add elements from Voron design, rather than building a Voron from scratch.

For instance, one of the Creality bed flinger Ender3-v2s could be enclosed, modded and turned into a Switchwire, an Ender 3 v2 seems like a good choice for this. An Ender 6 could be modded to have many of the elements of a Trident. Especially, considering that you could quite easily convert the ender 6 to klipper and do a bunch of other mods to improve print quality and the ender 6 could be fairly easily enclosed fully as a mod. Also, this bed levelling mod and this mod, which adds linear rails. The Ender 5 pro or Ender 5 plus, could be converted with this mod to have many of the aspects that Vorons have.

ZeroG Mercury

Alternatively, an ender 7 already has linear rails, so only the z axis would need to be upgraded

v2.4 mods

XY offset

Aliexpress stores


All3DP maintain a page which lists discounts and deals.

Acetaone smoothing

You can smooth out ABS prints with Acetone. It gets rid of any visible layer lines, but is kinda difficult to control and melts the part, which could lead to some loss of detail and part deformation.
